“Everyone” is Porcelain/Plastic


So, this will be an interesting post because it made me think, and also challenged some of my own perceptions.

This weekend I spent some time with family, friends, colleagues and fellow coaching buddies. During the course of the conversation we were speaking about the upcoming life coaching event I and my business partner are putting together.  We were discussing how difficult it was to get individuals in Miami to sign up for the event.  I mean, doesn’t everyone want to live a happier and more fulfilled life and be more authentic in their lives, relationships, careers, etc?

During the many conversations had, someone said that their impression was that Miamians (get ready for a generalization) were not interested in self exploration and improving themselves.  They felt that people in Miami were more, “plastic” or porcelain, and were all about aesthetics, impressions, partying, dancing, and what comes easy versus self actualization and self developmental things.

I had to step back for a moment and analyze my experience over the past 22 years, and did pause for a moment to agree with them to a certain degree – as that was my experience as well – generally speaking!

But, I have also come across small groups of individuals who are about exploring their lives more deeply and wanting to break the pattern of the “rut” in their lives and begin to reshape their lives, careers, relationships.  They want to do the work that can get them close to the life they dream of living, or give to their families, and stop just “surviving or getting by” and really live life full on doing what they love – being who they were born to be.

So, I have to say that there is a percentage of truth in the impression of my friends and colleagues, and there is a sliver of hopefulness that negates the impression from being widely spread across the board.

Ahhh duality! I have met with many individuals who are experiencing emergent changes in their lives currently, and some who have been experiencing the same emergent changes over and over again for years.  Yet, these “changes” continue to paralyze them (inaction), which simply keeps them repeating them over and over again and applying the same old rules, models and way of doing things.  And it fails over and over again!  They continue to present themselves as a porcelain shell of their true selves to protect themselves from moving forward beyond fear, and to keep up the facade with those in their lives that “everything is cool.”  They are faking it .. in hopes of making it.

Then there are those who bravely dive into wanting to do what it takes to keep growing, changing, moving and creating excitement and newness in their lives, careers and relationships.  These individuals are “the few – the proud”, no I don’t mean the marines … They are the brave heroes who are in their lives to “live it” and “win it.”  They aren’t sitting on the sidelines cheering their favorite teams or people in their lives to achieve big – they are cheering themselves on to win big, play big, and love big!

What side are you on?  Let us help you break the porcelain and emerge as the truest, biggest, wildest authentic you that you can be!   The world is waiting for you to be YOU, not the shell of yourself or someone you think you should be.

It all starts with getting clear on what it is you want more of in your life.  Where do you want to play big?  you were born with the unique DNA inside of yourself to make these things happen. You were born naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.  You are amazingly unique and capable.   I hold you bigger than you hold yourself … I see you as manifesting your greatness and talents … And, together we can empower the coaching relationship to make your dream a reality.


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