The Other Side of Fear



“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.”   – Marilyn Ferguson

We are frequently confronted with moments in our lives that push us to expand, transform and renew our minds, bodies, relationships, careers and even our way of being in the world and with others. This can often be a bit unsettling (okay .. perhaps that was an understatement .. perhaps a lot unsettling).  And, in these moments we can choose to hide behind the pillow or we can choose to stand an look for what is really possible in the midst of the moment.

We go through life ignoring the subtle messages that arise (okay again… sometimes not so subtle messages) that call us to play bigger in our lives.  These messages can also be viewed as a type of “call” to allow emerging positive outcomes to take place in many areas of our lives.  Of course, staying in mediocrity and safety may be easier, but there is great freedom and newness on the other side of conquering the fear of moving forward.

Oh! Wait! Did I mention that the longer we ignore the call it just gets louder and louder?  And, darn! The longer we wait the more unhappy we become with the current state until we finally bust .. or worse … live in “it” until the day we die? WHAT?? Yeah! Remember the old saying that it’s the things we didn’t  do that we regret the most at the end of life.

BUMMER! That’s depressing, right?

No! What’s depressing is not acting – not embracing what “can be”.

So, what areas are you fighting change in? What areas are you no longer satisfied with when it comes to more of the same?