WTF ??? Jangled and Unchained

Play big or go home .. that is what someone recently told me….. how are you playing? Ready to get real? Don’t wait for New Year’s resolutions …. they are only nice intentions that rarely get beyond the champagne glass.

Want some real change?
Step up!
Step Out!
Step into the real you!

Your journey starts the moment you register!

Someone recently asked specifically what is taking place during this event. Well, if I told you everything it wouldn’t be a surprise .. and we know you like surprises. Okay even if you don’t, it’s necessary. But, what I can tell you is:

During this opportunity you will explore your life purpose, what fulfills you, and get clear on your dream for your future (and those around you). Next, you will identify and leverage those voices (real and internal) that support your journey toward purposeful living and those that derail your achieving complete happiness and fulfillment. I like to call these voices “threshold guardians and “allies”. Think of them like the little angel and devil on your shoulders – only these have the power to propel you or stop you dead in your tracks. WHAT? something has that much control in our life? Yeah! That’s Faked Up™, eh?

It doesn’t stop there! Next, you will step to the edge of comfort to get a picture of what life CAN be like for you and you will create a powerful action plan on how to leverage your new found awareness to propel you and your plan forward – to GET REAL! And, to stop living and leading from the place of limitations, because let’s face it —– It’s Faked Up™.

And just when you thought it was over … you will have 6 weeks worth of life coaching support post event.

There is a lot more included. Want to know more?

Check it out on and register today to lock in the special rate for a limited time – till June 12.