What is trying to happen?

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What is trying to happen ?

.. chat with a friend who tells me that he is being laid off from his job as his “skill set is no longer needed”.   He is fearful and says he is desperate to find “a job”,

… conversation centered on a friend who was laid off (third time around) and isn’t finding a “job” with a “big enough title” or “desired salary” doing what she has always done, despite the knowing of things she has done outside of her “profession” that indicate there are passions elsewhere to be leveraged.

… a businessman tells how he continues to experience decreasing satisfaction in his corporate jobs while admitting that in the end he hasn’t felt fulfilled or well used in a while and that for most of his life he has been  denying what he truly loves doing anyway. He states that he continues the madness for the sake of making the high six figures he has achieved, despite the fact that he says he rarely, if ever, has the time to enjoy using it to do the things he loves and enjoys. He goes through the motions of life robotically.

In each of these situations, and of course there are a thousands of more that can be substituted in their place, something is trying to happen in the lives of these individuals – an emergence, a transformation. The universe wants something more for these individuals.

In our lives we can look at situations myopically and see only the specific situations through tunnel vision, or we can can step back and take the helicopter view to uncover what is trying to happen.  What does the universe, or our life, want for us. What is it trying to show us?

Each situation, pain point, and fear is calling us to look at our lives and heed the hero’s call. The hero’s call is calling us to a quest for movement and change – it calls us to transformation.  We have a choice to ignore the call and continue in the uncomfortable situation and deny ourselves the opportunity to explore new adventures, OR we can accept the journey and move through the adventure – to achieve renewal.

What is experienced by many is that the longer one resists the call to the journey, the louder and stronger the call becomes (i.e. the louder and more uncomfortable and persistent the call becomes- bringing about similarly uncomfortable situations on a more regular basis).

  •  The journey is a quest that affords:
  • overcoming fears
  • deepening self awareness and self love
  • fighting literal and figurative “threshold guardians” who seek to keep you paralyzed by fear of the unknown and believing your not good enough, worthy, strong enough realizing and embracing the allies you have in your life that help you on your quest, and
  • redesigning your life and celebrating the new normal that you have designed for your life.

So, when we are willing to explore that is trying to happen in our lives, we see that we can reinvent ourselves and, for example, step into a new profession aligned with individual passions versus moving from job to job like Tarzan swings from vine to vine. We can look for a fulfilling purpose in the world versus taking on a job/role that simply provides us money with little to no time to enjoy living and enjoying those people in our lives.

We can “be” intentional! We can live a life filled with conscious decisions that leave us feeling well used, loved, alive, and living/working in alignment with our our deepest passions and what we truly love doing.  The biggest lie we were ever told from birth is that play (enjoyment) is separate from work – our talents and desires are what is exercised through hobbies.

FOUL!!!!!! I am here to throw down the bullshit flag!  THAT bullshit belief keeps individuals living the same useless reality (“groundhog day” the movie) for the rest of their lives – always repeating the same stuff over and over again. STOP THE MADNESS!

Bust out! Stop faking your way through life.  Look at what is happening in you life as an opportunity to change the pattern, break the chains that bind, LIVE ON PURPOSE! Hell … just LIVE!

Be curious about what is trying to happen – why the current situation, discomfort, or pain points are there.  It’s called life, which incidentally is living, breathing, changing, and transforming.  Anything else is death.  Which are you experiencing?  What are you willing to do?  Will you heed the call?  Or, will you sit back and enjoy the continued discomfort of what you call your life?

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